Heavy Equipment & Large Vehicle Support

Technical Publications Services
Dayton T. Brown, Inc. (DTB) develops technical manuals for all facets of the heavy equipment industry. Regardless of the size or complexity of your vehicle or equipment, DTB’s team of documentation experts will analyze your requirements, assimilate and analyze all of the source data, and develop technical manuals that complement the maintenance and performance for servicing your heavy equipment. We also have available space for a tear-down facility for equipment analysis and technical manual validation, or we can perform these activities as part of your production line.
As equipment functionality and performance have rapidly evolved, so have the demands for safety standards, supporting documentation, reliable equipment performance, and operational life expectancies.
Our team of technical writers, illustrators, engineers, programmers, analysts, logisticians, and data specialists deliver world-class technical publications, logistics analysis, and training courseware / curriculum development tailored to meet your product support needs. We are experts across the spectrum of mechanical, electrical, hydraulic systems, and equipment. Drawing from our team of technical writing, data conversion, and graphics experts, we can produce technical publications and logistics deliverables - prepared for today’s sophisticated requirements.
Download DTB's Heavy Equipment & Large Vehicle brochure:
Technical Authoring & Publication Services

Defining the Specification Requirements
We are experts in commercial and military standards and specifications for technical documentation development.
We are experts in commercial and military standards and specifications for technical documentation development. We will work directly with you to determine your needs in order to make your project successful and comply with specification requirements. We specialize in the following areas:
- ATA 100, ATA iSpec 2200
- OEM, Tier 1, & Tier 2 Supplier use of ATA
- S1000D – All Issues (Revisions)
- Business Rules Development
- S1000D Mentoring & Training
- 3D Model & Illustration Assimilation / Model-Based Enterprise (MBE)
- Data Module Requirements List (DMRL)
- Conversion Services
- Authoring & Publishing Support
- All Military Standards
Technical Manual and Logistics Services
DTB produces comprehensive technical manuals and logistics services, including:
- Operator Guides
- Illustrated Parts (IPB/IPC/IPL/IPD/RPSTL)
- Wiring Diagram Manual (WDM)
- Fault Isolation & Troubleshooting Manuals (FIM/TSM)
- Repair Manual
- Service Bulletins (SB)
- Logistics Maintenance Planning/Product Support Analysis
- Provisioning
- Training, Safety, & System Documentation
- Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals/Publications (IETM/IETP)
- Revision Services
- Legacy Conversion

Testing & Engineering Services
DTB’s heavy equipment /automotive testing group can assist you with your validation, verification, and durability efforts of systems, subsystems, or components. We support Tier 1 and Tier 2 customers in the heavy equipment /automotive industry and provide engineering services and test directly to automotive OEMs. We routinely test to SAE, ISO, QS, CISPR, and MIL standards. Engineering and test expertise includes:
Engineering and Analysis
- Loads and spectrum development
- Finite element analysis
- Test plan / procedure development
- Source identification and development
- Reverse/reengineering programs
- Fatigue and crack propagation analysis
- High/Low Temperature
- Immersion
- Electrical Testing
- Indirect Lightning
- Shielding Effectiveness
- Power Testing
- Combined Environments
Inspection/Failure Analysis
- Scanning electron microscopy
- Kevex energy dispersive spectroscopy
- Image analysis
- Fractographic analysis
- Metallography
- Digital photography
- Mechanical properties evaluation
- Corrosion analysis and testing
- Arc-emission spectrometry
- Coating analysis/selection
- Nondestructive testing
Dimensional Inspection Laboratory
- CMMs
- FARO arm
- Surface finish
- Digitization of part surfaces
- Contour measurement
- Gear testing
- Coating evaluation
Instrumentation and Data Acquisition
- Strain gauging
- Crack wires
- Deflection measurements
- Load measurements
- Servo controlled fatigue/static load application
- Automated real time data acquisition
- Electrical/electronic parameter acquisition
- Data acquisition during environmental exposure
Vehicle Instrumentation
DTB offers full vehicle instrumentation development for mule and R&D automotive testing, which includes conventional IC vehicles, as well as hybrid and electric vehicles.