Wind and Rain Testing

Wind and Rain Testing
MIL-STD-810, Method 506, Procedures I, II, and III RTCA/DO-160, Section 10
Dayton T. Brown, Inc. is capable of performing Wind and Rain Testing in the following categories:
- Rain and Blowing Rain
- Exaggerated Rain
- Drip Rain
Rain and Blowing Rain Testing
The purpose of Rain and Blowing Rain Testing is to determine the effectiveness of protective covers, cases, and seals in preventing the penetration of water into a material, as well as the ability of a material to satisfy its performance requirements. Other reasons for testing include identifying any physical deterioration to a material that has been caused by rain, as well as determining the effectiveness of a water removal system or the effectiveness of the protection that has been offered to a packaged material.
Our test chamber has the following capabilities:
- Ability to provide up to 4 in. of rain with winds at 40 MPH under normal test conditions – variations possible from 1 in./hr. up to 6 in./hr.
- A smaller facility (located indoors), which employs a 3 ft. (dia.) fan for winds up to 40 MPH
Exaggerated Rain Testing
The purpose of Exaggerated Rain Testing is to determine the sealing capabilities of an enclosure under high velocity rain penetration.
Our test chamber meets the following criteria:
- Ability to test items as large as 12 ft. x 12 ft. x 10 ft.
Drip Testing
The purpose of Drip Testing is to determine the functionality of equipment that has been exposed to condensation or a leak from an above surface or area.
Our test chamber is capable of:
- Dripping onto an 8 ft. x 8 ft. test unit area
- Providing drip rates up to 11.25 in./hr.
DTB meets the following requirements for Wind and Rain Testing:
- MIL-STD-810, Method 506, Procedures I, II, and III
- RTCA/DO-160, Section 10