
Testing & Pub Services for Shipping/Transport Markets
DTB is proud to support our nation’s shipbuilders with high quality logistics, technical writing, illustration, and reporting services.
Our Technical Services Division supplies ship operating manuals, ship engineering manuals, and maintenance training courses to shipyards and suppliers of ship equipment, such as engines, gear boxes, control stands, and deck equipment.
Interactive data delivery starts with information – and so do we. DTB can review your existing files and provide fresh insight into how they may be re-used, updated, and converted. DTB routinely authors new information – studying and understanding your projects and requirements to provide a structured data system that grows with your needs.
DTB’s illustration and graphics services range from the conversion of legacy files to the development of “intelligent graphics” that enhance the users’ connectivity with the flow of information. We can start from scratch – creating new drawings of your parts and processes or repurposing your existing graphics files.
Give us a call today to learn more!
- Vibration
- Bounce
- Transmissibility
- Atmospheric pressure
- Isolation systems evaluation
- Incline drop
- Impact
- Leakage
- Conformance to drawing
- Structural evaluation (static, fatigue)
- Crush
- Leakage
- Rough handling – testing available for low, ambient, and high temperatures
- Unsupported free-fall drop test
- Flatwise drop test
- Edgewise drop test
- Cornerwise drop test
- Rotational corner drop test
- Rotational edge drop test
- Pendulum impact test
- Vibration tests
- Handling characteristics
- Mishandling by forklift
- Single point lift
- Modified single point lift
- Hoisting test
- Form and fit test
- Forklift truck transport
- Pushing test
- Towing test
- Hand-lift truck test
- Rolling test
- Shock test
- Overload test
- Incline impact
- Concentrated load
- Stacking test
DTB has extensive experience in following many of the test protocols that are used in the shipping/transport industries, including:
- National Safe Transit Association
- Air Transport Association of America
- International Safe Transit Association
- Railroad Intermodal Loading
- Intermodal Loading in Closed Trailers and Containers
- Packaging of Airline Supplies
- Cargo Inspection Systems
- Security Seals for Shipping Containers