Shock (Hammer & Pyrotechnic)
Modern engineering techniques often call for unusual and difficult shock and vibration testing requirements. DTB’s team of highly skilled engineers and technicians has years of experience in setting up and running these types of dynamics tests.
Our shock testing engineers can condition, plot, and analyze up to 128 channels of real-time data, including shock response spectrum (SRS), fast Fourier transform (FFT), or modal analysis.
The typical shock testing event can be performed on one of our Unholtz-Dickie T4000 or T1000 vibration test systems. When coupled with 360 KVA of amplifier power, these systems can achieve shock testing levels of over 100 G. We also have an in-house T5500 with 60 in. x 60 in. head expander and a 3 in. displacement.
For tests that require higher levels or longer durations of testing, DTB has additional mechanical shock testing machines. We can develop half sine shock test protocols to levels of 3,000 G and 4 ms using our unique facilities. Longer duration shock testing pulses have also been obtained up to 100 ms using our catapult facility, including pulses that are over 1 sec. in duration.

Hammer Shock Testing
High impact shock testing, typically referred to as hammer shock testing, is performed on shipboard machinery, equipment, systems, and structures in accordance with MIL-STD-202, MIL-S-901D, and MIL-DTL-901E. The purpose of the hammer shock test is to verify the ability of shipboard installations to withstand shock loading, which may be incurred during wartime service, due to the effects of nuclear or conventional weapons.
DTB has Navy-approved, in accordance with MIL-S-901D, lightweight and medium weight hammer shock testing facilities. For lightweight testing, we can accommodate a total of 550 lbs., including all fixturing. For medium weight testing, we can accommodate a total of 7,400 lbs., including all fixturing, as well.
Pyrotechnic Shock Testing
Our shock testing group has developed and refined the ringing plate method of producing repeatable SRSs to over 32,000 G. Our pyrotechnic shock testing facilities and mechanical shock testing machines (lightweight and medium weight) can be tailored to produce nearly any required shock pulse for your product.
The knee of the SRS can be adjusted from 1,000-2,000 Hz, and these facilities can produce lower level ringing out to 10,000 Hz, as well.
Test item size is never an issue in our lab. Items as small or large as integrated circuits or 3,400 kg (7,400 lbs.) are subject to various shock testing methods, such as the shaking profile of a truck on a potholed road, the shock of a torpedo hitting a submarine, or the controlled explosions on a spacecraft.