Vibration Testing

Vibration Testing
Not all vibrations and impulses are alike. DTB can reference the latest industry standards or design a unique vibration or shock testing profile, according to your requirements, using a wide variety of methodologies and test equipment in our extensive facilities.
Our electromagnetic shakers, electro-hydraulic actuators, and eccentric mass vibration test generators are used in forced vibration testing and can apply sinusoidal, transient, or random vibrations to your product in order to produce the required motions or responses for our vibration analysis.
Choose which Unholtz-Dickie shaker is appropriate for your vibration job: T5500, T4000, T2000, or one of our T1000 vibration systems.
The T5500 test system is the most advanced in the world with a 3 in. displacement capability and the optional head expander for vertical operation. DTB is the only independent test lab with this capability. The T5500 has a force rating of 55,000 lbs. for sine and random vibration and 100,000 lbs. for shock.
This T5500 system allows DTB to remain an industry leader with the ability to meet the ever-changing demands and challenges of today’s commercial, military, and aerospace testing world. We can handle the most extreme level of vibration requirements and are capable of testing within a 3 in. displacement.
Our T4000 complements the T5500, as it is also able to handle larger test items. The T4000 is designed to operate over a wide force range, covering moderate to extreme test conditions and accommodating small to large test payloads. Our T4000 is also unique in its ability to operate inverted, if needed, for certain test items.
The T5500, T2000, and T1000 shakers have an integrated slip table for ease of set-up and added support. All of our shakers can be used for combined environment testing for temperature + vibration and temperature/humidity + vibration. The self-aligning 60 in. x 60 in. head expander for larger test items can be used on the T5500 system.
With these extensive vibration systems, we can eliminate wasted set-up time – making the testing process more cost-effective for our customers.