Bomb Rack Testing Services

Bomb Rack Unit (BRU) Qualification Testing
DTB has performed first article, production lot, qualification, and custom investigative testing of bomb racks for manufacturers, the Department of Defense (DoD), and foreign military entities.
We have extensive knowledge and experience with most legacy ordnance release equipment, as well as newer designs, including the Small Diameter Bomb Carriage and other bomb racks and launchers for the F-22, F-35 (JSF), and MMA aircraft.
Testing normally includes the tests that are noted in MIL-T-7743 and MIL-STD-810, as well as their commercial equivalents.
DTB has a unique life testing facility that allows for the rapid fire of bomb racks and bomb rack components in a controlled environment. The facility also encompasses fully instrumented bomb rack firing pits, which record all firing characteristics, such as velocity, piston pressure (ejector force), reactionary forces on the aircraft, ejection piston pressure, lag time (point of last contact), hook first motion, current draw, and more.
With DTB’s data acquisition software, the pitch, roll, yaw, maximum ejector force, end-of-stroke velocity, and cartridge bridgewire burn time can be calculated and plotted on one graph or multiple graphs for easy analysis.
Bomb Rack Cartridge Qualification Testing
DTB has performed impulse cartridge performance evaluations for the US Navy and Air Force, as well as qualification tests for manufacturers and investigative programs for all entities.
DTB has a number of bomb racks on-site, as well as the data acquisition and knowledgeable personnel available for every aspect of qualification programs or investigative needs.
We have also designed and fabricated Universal Cartridge Test Apparatus (UCTA) machines for outside entities.

BRU Small Parts Qualification Testing
As with full BRU testing, DTB has performed first article, production lot, qualification, and custom investigative testing of individual small parts for manufacturers, as well as the DoD.
Testing normally includes the tests that are noted in MIL-T-7743, MIL-STD-810, and MIL-S-4040, as well as their commercial equivalents and individual requirements for the small parts.
DTB has designed numerous fixtures, as well as life and endurance testing systems, in order to aid the government with streamlining costs for necessary repeat testing. We have also aided in reducing the amount of cartridges needed for a test, along with eliminating the need for full bomb racks for testing.